Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Roanoke VA Soccer Blast

Sarah and I had a blast in Roanoke at her last tournament of the year. Yvonne and Nick stayed in town to allegedly look after her dad, but from what I understand, she went to the UT Football game, went out to dinner with her sister and who knows what else she and Nick did. While the cat is away, the mice played. Oh, and I am sure she did take good care of her dad as well.

Anyway, Sarah and I had a good time in Virginia. It was a bit of a long drive (4 hours) to go play soccer, but we stayed in a nice place and Sarah got to spend a lot of time with her soccer friends. We had several girls over to our room to watch movies on the laptop, while dad watched football on the large, in-room HDTV.

Sarah played well on the field and her team came up a goal short of making it to the finals. No complaints though as Sarah continues to improve each time out and if you look at the images below, you can even find her smiling. She really seems to have fun playing.


Joanne said...

Love the smiles. Shows Sarah is really enjoying it.

frang said...

Sounds like a great time for Sarah and Dad - and for Mom and NIck in a different place.

Sarah, you are one awesome soccer player.