Friday, November 13, 2009

Beautiful Day in Knoxville

It was a great day today in Knoxville. Very pleasant with lots of sun and Nick even put on some shorts. I am not sure what they were doing when I got home from work, but I think it was some version of cowboys and Indians like I used to play in the yard many years ago, so I got the camera out and got a few images. Sarah looked cute with her UT jersey and hair braided.


Unknown said...

Great pictures, Tim. Love Sarah's braid. Can't wait to see you all.

frang said...

We used to play cowboy and Indians too - when we were kids - oh so many years ago. Sarah, I love your braids. Nick, you always look great in blue.

Joanne said...

Oh yes, remember tying each other to trees. And then going away. ho ho Beautiful pictures of the kids.