Friday, July 17, 2009

Some Pool Fun

No children were injured in the making of this blog.

And the rest of the pool fun is here, with video: pool fun


Unknown said...

Wowee kazowee!

Jennifer said...

You need to Photoshop that one of Nick to make him look like Superman. That is pretty funny.

Joanne said...

Gee, I don't know which is more phenomenal, the photos or the doing!! Ready for the Olympics....

frang said...

Sure is lots of jumping and diving - what a great way to have fun when you are young!

Rebecca said...

In total awe!

I have very vivid memories of a dive I did at Sindelfingen Pool when I was Nick's age: I did a handstand at the edge of the high dive board, thinking I would flip over half way and enter feet first. Well, my understanding of physics was clearly lacking, as I ended up flipping 3/4 of the way around and doing a gigantic, painful belly flop (being a gymnast I had good form, so hit just like a pancake), much to the surprise and amusement of everyone else in the pool. Hurt like crazy! I didn't do any more handstands off of the high dive after that. Still loved diving though! Glad you all are having such a blast at the pool and the lake this summer!

Unknown said...

The last time I dove off a high board, the top to my 2 piece swimsuit came off. And I was 13.

Unknown said...

I think Nick could be on the Olympic dive team.

Rebecca said...

I meant to write much to my surprise and the amusement of everyone else in the pool.

Mom, I think you told me that story before, but I forgot. Yikes!