Well, it is officially football time in Tennessee. I love this time of year. Yes, it takes up a lot of our time with practicing 3 to 4 times per week and then one or two games on top of that per week. But the truth is that for about 2 hours per night, I get to watch Nick play something he really enjoys and chat with some other football loving parents about not only Halls football, but also about the upcoming Univ of TN football season and maybe even some pro football. So, all that time is not wasted. Plus, it gives me a chance to drag out the camera almost every night.
The first two weeks the kids practice in helmets and there is no contact. Nick has the same coach he had two years ago when the team won the county championship and I see good things for this team too.
Nick may or may not get to carry the ball this year, but so far he is getting to play running back some. He told me he really wants to earn that spot and from what I've seen so far, I know he is working harder than most.

You can see more images of Nick and his team here:
You make a good running back, NIck! Good luck with your season. And Tim, enjoy it all.
I can see "Nick Gangloff" on Sports Illustrated cover in 10 years! Way, to go, Nick. You are a natural.
Time well spent. You can do it Nick!!!
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