Saturday, June 6, 2009

The Track Meet

Nick and Sarah had their first real track meet this morning. They did great. Sarah had a spectacular day, winning two events and qualifying for Knoxville's Youth Competitive Track Team with her long jump. I don't think she will be able to join the team as it looks like it will interfere with her soccer schedule, but she is still happy about it. We are too.

Here she is holding her Blue Ribbon and her qualifying red ticket given to the kids who qualified for the team.

I'll be posting more later today.

Here are a few more.

The rest are here: Track Meet or rather will be later tonight.


roey said...

Awesome, Sarah. Great style.

frang said...

Sarah and Nick - you two are awesome - as Gramma Roey said - congratulations on doing your best.

roey said...

Didn't see pictures of Nick before. You are awesome too, Nick and have great form. You and Sarah will have to show us your skills when we visit this summer.

roey said...

I love the one of Sarah over the bar.

Joanne said...

Great going, you guys, and fantastic pictures, Tim.