Sarah and Nick played with their awesome science kits they got at Christmas. They had a ball making ooze. Take parts water and corn starch and mix with your fingers. Add some food coloring if you want to be a bit more colorful. It makes a really cool ooze. It will drip from your fingers, but if you grab it, hit it or something like that, it instantly turns hard. Release the pressure and it will go back to a liquid like consistency. OK, so I admit it. I thought it was cool too.
The boys love making that stuff too, except we call it quicksand. Don't worry, Chris is always more amazed by it than they are as well.
Such oozing fun! Such great faces!
Looks like they can mix my cookies next year. Love the facial expressions.
What could be more fun than science experiments. Tim, I remember you had some kind of chemistry kit one Christmas at Niagara Falls. Sarah, nice tonsils.
Yvonne, I have heard that ooze makes great material for facials. Go on, give it a try! ;)
You try it first and let me know how it works. I have heard that you have to let it set for at least one hour.
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