Monday, July 28, 2008

X Treme Tubing

The kids are preparing for the debut of the summer X-Games, extreme tubing edition. I think they are well on their way to winning a gold or two, especially in the new Co-Ed Three Tube event.

But, I am biased, so you take a look and tell them how they are doing.

Here is the group: Allison and Conner, Sarah, Nick and Savannah.

Just getting some speed up.

Conner gets some air.

Nick hits the wake.

Sarah is not thrilled that Conner is trying to land right on top of her.

Nick skims along the surface and tries to hold on.

Nick tries to deal with Conner and hold on.

Full speed ahead or maybe full speed sideways.

When someone gets flung off and you've managed to stay on, you can celebrate a bit.

More success

But things don't always go as planned. Here, there are arms and legs going all over the place and Sarah is calmly telling the boat driver to slow down. The kids had lots of fun taunting the boat driver all day in an effort to get him to drive even faster. After a few crashes, the taunting went away.

Then the big kids went without the ankle biters. The boat driver let 'er rip.

Nick learned that if he put a back into it, he could flip Conner over.

Nick, say cheese for the camera guy.

Last one.


Rebecca said...

Hilarious! And yes, nice athleticism. Love these. Who is driving if you're snapping the pics?

frang said...

Hey there, this looks exciting and not for the wimpy. Cheers ! Have fun !

roey said...

I see alot of gold medals for this bunch.