Sunday, January 13, 2008

Some basketball

Nick and Sarah's church league basketball is underway. I am coaching Sarah's team again this year. Sarah is probably the best player on her team. Unfortunately, Sarah is probably the best on her team. Don't get me wrong, Sarah is a decent basketball player, but she is not blessed with height and clearly basketball is not her best sport at this time. (In fairness, I am also not blessed with an abundance of height or basketball skill either.) We have a very small and inexperienced team. Her 3 teammates have never played before and perhaps basketball is not their best sport either. We got beat about 30-2 Friday night. Fortunately for us, they did not keep score. I was not at Sarah's first game as I was sick, but from what I heard, things did not go as well in the first game as we were shutout. So, at least Sarah got our first basket of the year. Since I was so focused on coaching Friday night, I did not get any pictures of her playing. I'll try to get some next week.

Nick's game went much better. He is getting much better and scored quite a few points before the coach pulled him about 1/2 way through the game and told him he needed to take a seat. The coach told him he wanted to give the other team a chance to score a few baskets. He seemed fine with sitting and was even a good sport about it cheering on his teammates. Here are few images from Friday night.

Nick and I went with one of his friends to watch the TN Vols play Ole Miss in an SEC basketball game last week. His friend's family has great season tickets (5th row) and we had a ball. The game was great and TN won 85-83 after making a last second basket. Hopefully, we'll get invited back. Maybe it was that game that is inspiring his play.

Saturday, January 5, 2008

More Snow Pix From Roscoe

I am adding a few more pix and these should be "clickable" to expand their size for better viewing.